I start the shiny crust quest with our Fudge Brownies recipe, which makes a reliably shiny crust every time. Wanting to discover the science behind Are chocolate chips the answer, or will melting solid chocolate into the batter work just as well? Dede Wilson shows us how to make chocolate brownies that are a little bit fudgey and a little bit cake-like, with a tip about how to make half the batch.

Shiny crust chocolatey brownie This will be the best brownie recipe for the picture-perfect crust that can seem so elusive at time to bakers. The trick is using the chocolates. King Arthur Flour has cracked the shiny code however, and the secret is chocolate chips. Kamu bisa memasak Shiny crust chocolatey brownie menggunakan 7 bahan dan 14 langkah. Begini caranya.

Bahan-bahan memasak Shiny crust chocolatey brownie

  1. Siapkan 2 butir telur.
  2. Siapkan 135 gr gula halus (9 sdm).
  3. Bunda butuh 100 gr terigu (10 sdm peres).
  4. Siapkan 35 gr cocoa powder (4 sdm peres).
  5. Siapkan 50 gr margarin (2 sdm fulll).
  6. Siapkan 40 ml minyak (4 sdm).
  7. Siapkan 150 gr coklat batang.

I'll be honest, when it comes to brownies, I tend to favor the box mixes, mainly because I haven't found a homemade recipe that gives you that gorgeous, crackly, shiny crust. How can I get that shiny chocolate-y top every time? Editor: Maureen, according to Shirley Corriher, the author of BakeWise, that shiny, crackly crust is actually a very thin layer of meringue that arises when eggs. These brownies are Nigel Slater's rather modestly titled 'My Very Good Chocolate Brownies' from his book the Kitchen Diaries. My verdict: I'd expected a shiny crust, but I didn't get that, and they left me greasy-fingered, but not in a bad way. They taste even better after a day.

Step by step untuk memasak Shiny crust chocolatey brownie

  1. Campur margarin, minyak dan coklat batang, tim. Dinginkan, sisihkan..
  2. Campur terigu dengan coklat bubuk..
  3. Nahh ini kan saya pakai gula pasir, jadi biar lebih halus sama saya di blender. Nah, karena tanggung gulanya diblender, jadi sekalian saya masukkan telurnya, kocok di situ. Lebih rata, lebih cepat dan gak capek..
  4. Nah abis itu sama saya adonannya dimasukkan ke dalam bowl biar keliatan abis dikocok 😂.
  5. Nah setelah itu masukkan cairan margarin, minyak dan dcc yang sudah hangat agak dingin. Aduk rata. Nah ciri bakal keluar Shiny crustnya... Adonan di step ini bakal mengilap gitu deh. Tuh kan ada bayangan whisk saya di adonannya.. kayak cermin gitu.
  6. Setelah itu, masukkan campuran terigu dan coklat bubuk, aduk rata. Tuh kan.. adonannya lagi" mengilap. Awal yang baguuus saya senang sekaliii 😭😭.
  7. Masukkan ke dalam loyang yang sudah diolesi margarin dan dialasi kertas roti..
  8. Beri topping sesukanya, panggang di dalam oven yang sudah dipanaskan, 30-40 menit sampai matang..
  9. Yaaa sajikaaan.
  10. Alhamdulillah Shiny crustnya keluar ehe seneng banget.
  11. Browniesnya legit dan nyoklaat banget. Ibu saya yang bilangnya : gasuka kue kayak gitu, kayak gak Mateng. Akhirnya mengatakan : tehh enak browniesnyaa.. bikin lagi doong 😂.
  12. Semua sukaa.
  13. Enakkkk berkali2 saya bilang ini nyoklat karena memang nyoklaaaaat dan saya suka banget.
  14. Foto2 dibuang sayang 😂 ohiya ini pakai goriorio okay 😂😂 karena saya ngotot pengen bikin ini pagi2 biar nanti siang asa cemilan. eh baru inget Indomaret belum buka jam 6 😂😂.

This brownie is everything a brownie is not. It smells vaguely like plastic, and it's sticky and greasy to the touch. It's overly sweet with zero discernible chocolate flavor.

I could actually taste chocolate in these; albeit of the lethargic, mediocre cocoa powder variety. The crust was shiny, and added a nice. Brownies, chocolate brownies, what ever you call them you will find them here in all their gooey glory! These bite-sized Maltesters brownies have so much chocolate on them and in them, you will think they're crazy.until you try one for yourself!

Gampang sekali kan memasak Shiny crust chocolatey brownie ini? Selamat mencoba.

Source : https://cookpad.com/id/resep/12960598-shiny-crust-chocolatey-brownie

Video Shiny crust chocolatey brownie