Tips dan trik mendapatkan shiny crust. BROWNIES SEKAT SHINY CRUST Tanpa Mixer This easy fudge brownie recipe makes rich chocolate brownies with perfect shiny crust.
When I made brownies with just cocoa powder, the brownies were more cake-like and didn't have the shiny crispy top.
Fudgy, cakey, fudgy, cakey. can't make up your mind?
If you're looking for a brownie that's right in between those two styles, you've found it.
Bunda bisa membuat Shiny crust fudgy brownie menggunakan 7 bahan dan 9 langkah. Begini cara buatnya.
Bahan-bahan memasak Shiny crust fudgy brownie
- Anda butuh 90 gr tepung kunci.
- Kamu butuh 150 gr coklat callebaut.
- Siapkan 100 gr mentega.
- Kamu butuh 2 butir telur.
- Siapkan 150 gr gula semut(aku pake palm sugar).
- Bunda butuh 50 gr coklat bubuk bendico.
- Bunda butuh 1 sdt vanila ekstrak(optional).
Heating the mixture to this point will dissolve more of the sugar, which will help produce a shiny top crust on your brownies. These brownies are not too cakey, not too fudgy. If you bake them just right, they will have both qualities and feature a desirable, shiny and crackly crust. Brownies are one of those desserts where we think you can never have enough variations. You need truffle-like ones, dense ones, cakey ones. The brownies are fudgy, moist, chewy and have a shiny crackly surface.
Instruksi untuk buat Shiny crust fudgy brownie
- Pertama leleh kan coklat callebaut + mentega dengan cara di tim ato double boiler,lalu setelah leleh sisihkan hingga dingin.
- Diwadah lain masukan gula semut,telur dan vanila ekstrak..lalu kocok sampe gula larut min 5mnt(wajib).
- Setelah 5mnt masukan coklat yg sudah dilelehkan td ke dalam kocokan telur,aduk hingga rata...
- Setelah it campur coklat bubuk dan tepung terigu,lalu masukan ke adonan telur tadi sambil diayak agar tidak ada gumpalan,aduk smp rata dan homogen.
- Setelah rata tuang ke loyang yg sudah dialasi dgn bakin paper,beri toping sesuai selera.
- Panggang di oven yg sudah dipanas kan 200°c sebelumnya,setelah panas turunkan suhu menjadi 150° lalu panggang brownies selama 25-30mnt ato sampe matang.
- Tusuk dgn lidi jk sudah tdk ad yg menempel brati sudah matang,lalu angkat dan dinginkan..tunggu sampe suhu ruang baru bs dipotong,klo masih panas coklat akan melt susah dipotong.
- Lbh enak dimasukan dl ke kulkas sampe dingiiinn..baru dimakan,rasanya endeeeuusss kaya makan coklat..klo hangat coklatnya melt..aku lbh suka dingin lbh mantul.
- Selamat mencoba.
And the best part is, it's an easy one-bowl recipe! I'm also sharing tips for cutting brownies, achieving the shiny surface, and variations on this recipe for thicker, cakier or fudgier brownies. I think their brownies are actually made with milk chocolate, so this recipe would be great either way, but I used dark chocolate.
I tend to think dark chocolate lends a better flavor in baking. This one bowl brownie recipe yields chewy, fudgy brownies with a moist center and a crispy crust. The brownies might not come out as fudgy though and it will definitely effect the shiny cracky tops. You can make deliciously fudgy brownies without cocoa powder using only chocolate.
Mudah sekali bukan membuat Shiny crust fudgy brownie ini? Selamat mencoba.
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